
Showing posts from August, 2020

Installation: Ready Made and Found Object

LINK:  Ready-made and the Found Object ------------- CONCEPTS Installation art is an artistic genre of three-dimensional works that are often site-specific and designed to transform the perception of a space. Found object is a term borrowed from the French objet trouvé , describing art created from undisguised, but often modified, objects or products that are not normally considered materials from which art is made, often because they already have a non-art function. Pablo Picasso first publicly utilized the idea when he pasted a printed image of chair caning onto his painting titled Still Life with Chair Caning (1912).  Marcel Duchamp is thought to have perfected the concept several years later when he made a series of ready-mades , consisting of completely unaltered everyday objects selected by Duchamp and designated as art. ---------------------------- Activity Create an installation with found objects and ready-m...

Re-enactments: History in Action

2020 Boston Massacre Reenactment 250th anniversary CONCEPTS Reenactment denotes the redoing, restaging or re-performing of an artistic performance—meaning a live act or action by a visual artist—and is as such distinct from the repetition of a theatrical performance, choreographed dance, or scored musical performance. To enact is to do or make something, and to reenact is to do it again. A reenactment is the action of performing a new version of an old event, usually in a theatrical performance. If you're interested in history, you might enjoy watching a reenactment of a major battle or speech. Scripted battles are reenactments in the strictest sense; the battles are planned out beforehand so that the companies and regiments make the same actions that were taken in the original battles. The mock battles are often "fought" at or near the original battle ground or at a place very similar to the original.   Gettysburg Civil War Battle Reenactment | ...

Riots as Performance: A Lesson

"Chaos Riots," by Alex Schaefer Performance Studies Reader: What is Performance Studies? Richard Schechner CONCEPTS   Performance studies is an interdisciplinary field that studies performance and uses performance as a lens to study the world. Performance theory suggests that every one of us puts on a performance in our society. Whether through the clothes we wear, the conversations we hold or the food we eat, all are a performance designed as a signal-system to ourselves and to others of our place within our social group (Goffman 1969: 28). As an interdisciplinary field spanning disciplines such as performance , theater, anthropology, and gender studies , performance studies investigates performance in its various forms and understands performance as an object of study , method of investigation, and presentation of scholarly data. When Richard Schechner first coined the term 'Performance Studies,' he postulated that a per- formance is an...

Introductions: Social Distance, Masks and Fear!

  Lucy D’Agostino McGowan discusses peer learning communities I. After watching the video, write a brief reflection on D'Agostino McGowan's idea on peer learning communities during the pandemic.  ------------------------------- Before the pandemic, introductions took place without social distancing, without a mask and without fear of being contagious to one another. The three articles below discuss how these three new issues we face affect children's development. How COVID-19 Could Affect Kids’ Long-Term Social Development Are you happy or sad? How wearing face masks can impact children’s ability to read emotions . Managing children’s fear, anxiety in the age of COVID-19  II. Browse the three articles above and briefly explain how each one of these factors (social distancing, mask and fear) affects our younger students. ----------------------------------  III. Thinking outside the box, like D'Agostino's team, come up with at least 3 ...