Installation: Ready Made and Found Object
Installation art is an artistic genre of three-dimensional works that are often site-specific and designed to transform the perception of a space.
Installation art is an artistic genre of three-dimensional works that are often site-specific and designed to transform the perception of a space.
Found object is a term borrowed from the French objet trouvé, describing art created from undisguised, but often modified, objects or products that are not normally considered materials from which art is made, often because they already have a non-art function.
Pablo Picasso first publicly utilized the idea when he pasted a printed image of chair caning onto his painting titled Still Life with Chair Caning (1912).
Marcel Duchamp is thought to have perfected the concept several years later when he made a series of ready-mades, consisting of completely unaltered everyday objects selected by Duchamp and designated as art.
Create an installation with found objects and ready-mades.
Go out and collect ready- made and found objects.
Bring them into the studio.
Arrange them on top of your table.
What does it mean?
What is the title?
Share with the group.
Take a picture.
Post it on Discussion Board, along with your description of the piece and the title.
Now we have a cyber gallery!
Students' Work
Unnamed / Valerie Daccach Cuellar
Untitled / Isabel Long
"See" / Tavo Roig
Beneath the Surface
Lilly, Lexie, Sophie, Isabel
Lesson Plan
Go out and collect ready- made and found objects.
Bring them into the studio.
Arrange them on top of your table.
What does it mean?
What is the title?
Share with the group.
Take a picture.
Post it on Discussion Board, along with your description of the piece and the title.
Now we have a cyber gallery!
Students' Work
Unnamed / Valerie Daccach Cuellar
Untitled / Isabel Long
"See" / Tavo Roig
Beneath the Surface
Lilly, Lexie, Sophie, Isabel
Lesson Plan
Team Members: Hunter, Zach, Navaughn (V) and Ritika.
Lesson: Found Objects & Ready-mades
Objective: Students will collect 8 or more found or readymade items and create an installation.
Found object: objects or
products that are not normally considered materials from which art is
made, often because they already have a non-art function.
Ready-mades, consisting of completely unaltered everyday objects selected by Duchamp and designated as art.
Student will:
go out and collect a number of found objects and readymades
They will arrange them by creating an installation
Give it a title
Create a synopsis about what it means
Share with the class by presenting it
Photograph it
Post it on Discussion Board
Title : Wood You Rather
Synopsis: We took the wood in its rawest, purest form
and combined it with paper and wood cabinets: Two refined versions of
the original form. The raw wood symbolize us in our current state and
the refined wood cabinets represents us after our scholastic journey.
The rocks represent the people that keep us grounded and support us on
our journey. The flowers represent the growth of our journey and the
beauty that is to come. We’re all seniors and thought this represented
our journey at Miami.
Assessment: What did you take away from this? What was
going through your mind as you were putting the pieces together? Could
you relate to the piece in any way? How many found objects and/or ready-mades were you able to put together in your installation.
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