
Showing posts from October, 2020

Minilessons 1,2,3: Acting for TV; Canadian Independence, History & Halloween

 Talia Mereles: Permance for TV News   Michael Stier: Canada's Independence Day Noah Klar: Halloween's History  

Classroom Rules and Action Plan

   Classroom Rules Question Why is important to create classroom rules? ------------------------------ Redirecting Behavior Question Why is redirecting behavior an useful tool for teaching?   Creating an Action Plan for Classroom Management 30 Classroom Procedures to Head Off Behavior Problems Activity Write your own action plan and post it on Discussion Board.   ---------------------- ACTION PLANS ------------------------------------------  EXAMPLE   2 nd grade Action Plan (Beliefs): 1. Each student has an equal opportunity to succeed in our learning environment   Rule: 1. Respect your classmates and the teacher, respect the classroom space, and personal space. 1. Entering the room 2. Taking care of school supplies 3. Participating in group lessons 4. Handing in finished work 5. Turning in lost items/locating lost items 6. Signals for attention   Procedures: Beginning the day with hands on art...

Lesson Plan: Overview and Rough-draft (Assignment)

   PARTS OF A LESSON PLAN I. Title (Somewhere at the top of the lesson plan) Course Subject Grade Level Teacher's Name Volume II. Date (current date) III. Objective (S.M.A.R.T / Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results Focused & Time Bound) IV. Standards (At least one Florida Standard) V. Plan (Beginning, Middle and End) Write in the sequence of activities and events in your lesson Example: a) Anticipatory Set, b) Lecture c) Activity, d) Assessment VI. Assessment Each objective with its aligned standard must be assessed for student comprehension and success. Example: Formative Assessment like an exit ticket or a unit assessment. Exit tickets are a formative assessment tool that give teachers a way to assess how well students understand the material they are learning in class. ... Teachers can then use this data for adapting instruction to meet students' needs the very next day. VII. Homework Be specific about which task they sh...

Making Dance

  Dance in a Classroom Creative Movement and Dance - Teaching Strategies Video Concepts Patterns Outlines Steps TEXT: Text Concepts Creative Dance for All Ages The kinesthetic Loop proprioception sensing feeling motor nerves rhythm body force element time element space element unison complement contrast shapes  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question   What aspect of her lesson got your attention as examples of good teaching?  Question   How effective is this teacher in explaining the four elements of movement? Explain. ---------------------------------- ACTIVITY Students are divided into groups and each group plans to teach a different aspect of a dance/movement class. Because of lack of space in our classroom, they go out on the hallway and create stations on which to teach their content. The activity is fun, exciting, fast and playful. It is a perfect exercise before starting teaching the mini-le...