Classroom Rules and Action Plan


 Classroom Rules


Why is important to create classroom rules?


Redirecting Behavior


Why is redirecting behavior an useful tool for teaching?


Creating an Action Plan for Classroom Management


Write your own action plan and post it on Discussion Board.

  2nd grade
Action Plan (Beliefs):
1. Each student has an equal opportunity to succeed in our learning environment
1. Respect your classmates and the teacher, respect the classroom space, and personal space.
1. Entering the room
2. Taking care of school supplies
3. Participating in group lessons
4. Handing in finished work
5. Turning in lost items/locating lost items
6. Signals for attention
Beginning the day with hands on artistic assignments to get the creative juices flowing and allow them to focus for the remainder of the morning for English and math class. After lunch students will go to Science as to engage in something fun and interesting to get their mindset back into the classroom mindset. Then finish the day with recess to let their energy out and allows them to look forward to something enjoyable at the end of the day.

8AM – 9AM: Art
9AM – 10AM: English
10AM – 11AM: Math
11AM – 11:30AM: Lunch
11:30AM – 12:30PM: Science
12:30PM – 1:30PM: History
1:30PM – 2:30PM: Foreign Language
2:30PM – 3PM: Recess
Daily Reinforce:
Choose their stickers and able to put their own sticker on the board
Weekly reinforce:
Top 3 students with the most stickers get to choose a candy bar from the jar at the end of the week
Monthly reinforce:
The student that has shown the most growth and improvement will receive a coupon to have a free meal at some restaurant
End of year reinforce:
If 90% of the students turn in their homework the whole class will receive a pizza party
Corrective Behavior:
1. Minor issues you get 3 strikes, if you get 3 strikes then you are sent to the principle. Major issues go directly to principle
2. Have a board to represent how severe the issue was
3. Minor issues talk to the student and have them step back from the classroom and threaten to rearrange classroom seats.
4. Major issues we would contact the office and set up a meeting with the parents and talk about rearranging the classroom seats.
During the first week of school, the teacher will call each of the student’s guardians/parents and introduce themselves and their class mission.


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