Last Face to Face Mini-Lessons (Monday)

 Watch the following videos and come up with your own conclusion. See the question below.

Passion Projects for Children


After watching these videos; what do you think is the main benefit of using Passion Projects as a tool for instruction? Explain your answer.





Remi Petit

Title: How to Make Teriyaki Chicken

Theme: Cooking
Art Discipline: Culinary Art 
Grade Level: 8th grade
Teacher Name: Remi Petit
Volume: 2

II. Date: April 6th, 2020

III. Objective:
The objective is to introduce students to cooking for themselves. This lesson shows that there are easy, balanced, and cultural meals they can turn to instead of takeout food. This lesson also emphasizes kitchen safety and health precautions in a kitchen setting, which they will need to use in their adult life.

Component: Nutrition

IV. Standards 
Explain possible health hazards which may affect foods
Understand the influence of cultural diversity on food choices

V. Plan 
a) Anticipatory Set: Students will be notified prior to the class day that the lesson will involve a cooking demonstration. They will be encouraged to bring a paper and pencil to write anything interesting down, but will be given a copy of the recipe and instructions to keep.

b) Lecture and Activity: The lesson plan will be a cooking demonstration that that combines lecture with the activity of cooking. The students will not all cook the recipe themselves in class, but will help to measure, stir, clean, etc. throughout my lesson plan. I will make the lesson plan as interactive and inclusive as possible and will encourage students to ask questions during and after the lesson.

c) Assessment: Students will hand in their exit ticket before leaving class.

VI. Assessment
The exit ticket will not be a formal test, but will encourage students to take what they have learned and explore more recipes to create at home. This will spark more passion into the students because they will be exploring what they want to, not what I am making them research.

The exit ticket will consist of 2 components:
1)      A kitchen safety or health hazard rule they learned in the lesson
2)      Another culture in which the student would like to cook food from

VII. Homework
The homework assignment will be for the student to take the culture they wrote down in their exit ticket and research a healthy and easy recipe from that specific cultural background. The student will print out the recipe and bring it to class where we will have a class discussion where they can share recipe ideas with their classmates.

VIII. Cross-Curriculum Standards

Another subject I could incorporate this lesson into is English/Language Arts, where students can write about the expressive nature of cooking and creating with food. It is a very free and independent experience to be able to cook on your own, and it is a bonding and relationship building experience to cook with others.

In addition, I could incorporate this lesson plan into a wellness and/or fitness class. The meal we cooked is a very balanced meal consisting of protein, vegetables, and carbs. As students get older and are feeding themselves, they need to remember to keep their plates balanced in order to get maximum nutritional value and stay healthy.

IX. Differentiation
This lesson plan is very inclusive. You do not need fully functioning legs to cook and you also do not need to be able to hear. Students with more serious disabilities may not be able to cook this meal completely independently, but they can have a say on what vegetables they would like to put in, stir the ingredients, and explore other cultures through food.


The technology needed will be a stove top, a sink, and a large pan or wok. This video lesson can also be recorded or taught over video, so during times like these when instruction is not face-to-face, the lesson can still be successfully taught.

XI. Written Component
Students are encouraged to keep this recipe, the recipe they found for homework, recipes they like from the class discussion, and any other recipes they find in a recipe book. This helps students keep these recipes on-hand instead of getting lost, and they will be more likely to use them.

XII. Careers Skills
While not all my students will become chefs, they will all move into adulthood and live on their own and maybe eventually have families of their own. This means they will need cooking and kitchen safety knowledge to feed themselves and their families healthy, balanced meals.


Lexie Fioto

Lesson Plan: Visual Arts Education- Exploring Arts
Component: Personal Development
9th Grade


1. Develops communication skills through participation in critiques
2. Demonstrates respect for other students artwork and ideas.
3. Creates personally expressive artworks.
4. Demonstrates problem-solving both independently and cooperatively.
5. Appreciates the importance of art in influencing the quality of everyday life.
6. Understands that a work of art communicates a personal statement.

  1. Through participation in critiques, the student can develop communication skills and can demonstrate behavior that shows respect for self, others, and their art work.
  2. The student can develop a personal philosophy of art.

-Makeup brushes
-Makeup cleaner
-Eye makeup
- Fake eyelashes
- eyelash glue


1. Make sure to sanitize the makeup brushes that will be used for each student. 
2. The students will be instructed to put eye shadows on in any colors and any way that they would like to express themselves. 
3. The students will watch the instructions on how to properly apply fake eyelashes when they finish their eye makeup look
4. Once they finish putting on their eye makeup look, they will clean up their work area and sanitize the makeup brushes again. 


1. The students will be assessed to see if they attempted to follow directions and properly put on the fake eyelashes. The eyelashes do not have to be perfectly on, as long as they attempted to follow the instructions they will pass
2. We will have a discussion afterwards and have each student explain their eye-shadow look, and how it expresses themselves. We will have a critique and go around the room and have students comment on each others' looks with positive feedback and critique that could help them improve for next time. 
3. If a student encountered a problem while putting on the lashes, they will describe what went wrong and how they tried to improve as I demonstrated in the video

Overall, students are to create a makeup look that makes them feel good about themselves, and helps them express themselves. I hope students will enjoy this fun lesson with something that is relevant to a lot of high school students. This lesson is supposed to be a relatable way for students to see that makeup is also a form of art, and that it can be meaningful. This lesson is supposed to elicit positive feedback and appreciation for their classmates' art!



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