Student Centered Relationship

Carl Ransom Rogers (1902 – 1987) was an American psychologist and one of the founders of the humanistic approach (or client-centered approach) to Psychology.

The person-centered or client -centered approach, Rogers' own approach to understanding personality and human relationships, found wide application in various domains such as psychotherapy and counseling. 
After watching the video above, answer the following questions:

1, How does the client-centered therapy created by Rogers correlates with the student-centered educational approach?

2. What characteristics of the therapeutic relationship proposed by Rogers can be applied to the student-teacher relationship?

3. Using the goal of client-centered therapy as a reference, why "allowance," as opposed to "resistance," should be the goal of teaching?

4. How can the arts be useful in the process of discovering the students' unique potential?



 Markar Krikorian
  1. The Client- Centered therapy approach created by Carl Rodgers is an approach that emphasizes the importance of understanding a person as a whole. This is a holistic approach rather than classifying a person based on a set of symptoms. Rodgers refers to this as psychotherapeutic – a treatment based on the person, not by symptoms. In terms of the relationship between the student’s centered educational approach and the client centered therapy approach- they are both human based approaches. Just like how client centered therapy focuses on treating a person based on the human as a whole- the student-centered approach realizes that each student is unique when learning and finding success.
  2. Many characteristics could be applied to the student- teacher relationship but overall I believe the most important characteristics to be acceptance and valuing a student for who they are.  If both of these characteristics are emphasized in the relationship with a student, they will feel more comfortable and willing to learn.  They will also be less shy and more willing to participating in class. 
  3. Allowance should definitely be the goal of teaching as oppose to “resisting” because under the allowance method, it allows kids to be themselves. The resistance method could make kids feel lost and out of place which would deter the objectives of learning. The allowance technique encourages students to explore themselves and be creative which is a healthy and productive way to learn. 
  4. The arts are so useful because their are so many ways that students can express themselves in a creative manner. The arts are free of boundaries and offer limitless opportunities for students to express themselves and grow. 


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