Collage: Affordable Creativity for Children


1. After watching the video, what is your opinion of Jacob Intile's collage work? 

2. Why is collage work important to him?



Collage, from the French: coller, "to glue" or "to stick together"; is a technique of art creation used in the visual arts, by which art results from an assemblage of different forms that become a new whole. 



Go to the link and read, on page 9, "A Brief History of Collage." 

3. What is problematic about the assumption that Picasso and Braque are the creators of this technique? 

 A Brief History of Collage


 In lay terms, a collage is a piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric on to a backing. 


4. Create a collage with magazine cuttings.

Materials: Glue, magazines and backing.

 Give it a title

Write a synopsis explaining what you think represents or what it means to you.

Photograph it and post it on Discussion Board along with its title, synopsis and artist's name. 



Create a Lesson Plan following MDCPS Competency Based Curriculum.

Click on Visual Arts

Choose the level your prefer.

Choose grade level

Ex. 7th grade - Experiencing Art

Component III : Studio Skills

1 - Integrates element of art
 7 -  Practice Craftmanship




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