Learning Theories: Propose Your Own / COLLAGE



A brief introduction to Learning Theories


The 5 Educational Learning Theories

Behaviorism: Behaviorism is using reinforcement and punishment techniques to encourage or discourage certain behaviors. The environment around us shapes us because we are blank slates and so the behaviors of others can influence our behaviors as well. We can be conditioned to follow certain behavior patterns by the people around us. An example can be rats who push the lever everytime they get food and then keep continuing that behavior of pushing the lever to get more food. Their behavior of pushing the lever has been conditioned by behaviorism. 

Cognitivism: Cognitivism focuses more on the mind and the thinking process through reading texts and lecture instructions. People who learn this way are often thought as information processors. People are rational human beings whose actions are consequences of thinking. It focuses on the processes of mental activities like thinking, memory, knowing, and problem solving. Schema theory is using your own knowladge to further your learning, sort of like a Black Box on an airplane.

Constructivism:  Constructivism is a theory in education that recognizes the learners' understanding and knowledge based on their own experiences prior to entering school. It is associated with various philosophical positions, particularly in epistemology as well as ontology, politics, and ethics. It is based on the idea that people are responsible in creating their own understanding of the world by using what they know based on previous experiences in the process of linking new information to these experiences. People use these experiences and new information to construct their own meaning. 

Humanism:Humanism is when someone is trying to be a complete person. To do that, one must achieve the tiers of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which is separated into three categories: basic needs, psychological needs, and self-fulfillment. The goal is to cultivate a person as a whole and create the most optimal self. A person must gradually ascend the humanistic needs based on a hierarchy to reach their peek potential. Humanism emphasizes the individual’s values, motivations, and goals. Humanistic theory has the basic assumption that people exist with free will and the ability to influence their lives through acts of intentionality. 

Connectivism: Connectivism is a theoretical framework for understanding learning in a digital age. It emphasizes how internet technologies such as web browsers, search engines, wikis, online discussion forums, and social networks contributed to new avenues of learning.  Today we live in the social media world with a lot of technology at our disposal. It is very easy to connect all around the world and find new resources and information about any subject. Everyone of all ages can easily connect with the technology at our hands. 


Watch the following videos to complement the concepts explained above. Just watch enough to understand the main point. 


 B.F. Skinner



 Jean Piaget



Jim Applegate, Jesse Delia, Brant Burleson



Abraham Maslow



George Siemens


Other theories:
15 Learning Theories in Education (A Complete Summary)


Answer the following questions; please be succinct:

With which one of these theories do you identify with? Explain

Which theory do you dislike most? Why?

Which of these theories has been used by our American educational system at large? Which theory was used in your school district during your elementary and secondary education?

If you were to articulate and propose your own educational theory how would you call it? Explain the main ideas related to your theory.  

How would you implement your theory in your own classroom?

Which theory is the most compatible with the idea of using the arts as a means to teach academics? Why?

Students' Work

  Markar Krikorian
Noah & Markar Collage Attachment 

Title: “Tomorrow Begins Today”

Synopsis: We wanted to encourage those viewing it to be adventurous , outgoing, and to be themselves. We included pictures of animals, people doing adventurous things and 

 people pushing themselves. We also included multiple inspirational sayings that reinforces our overall message.


Grade: 1st

Component: Visual arts Education 

Objective: Recognizes the use of symbols and symbolism (stop sign, flag) in art and the environment

Competency: Through the critique process, the student can understand that works of art can be rendered realistically, symbolically, or abstractly.

Assessment: As long as the students can explain their work of art and how they interpret it they will receive an A.


  Isabel Long
Isabel, Lily, Lexi

Title: Visions of Earth

Synopsis: This collage displays the diversity of Earth's wildlife and the need to protect its endangered species. On the bottom left, we have included a paragraph about endangered species. 

Objective: Learn to make collage: combine text and images to create a new piece of art. 

Assessment: Students make collage including at least ten images. Then, they title and describe their piece of art.




 Haley Traub

Collage- Carey & Haley Attachment

1. Jacob Intile's collage work is amazing. He has such a great amount of patience to cut and keep different parts of a collage for so long. He also has such an eye for art. All the little parts of the collage go together so smoothly. 

2. Collage work is his escape. He does it for himself in a way to relieve stress and calm his mind. It also serves as a time capsule. When he looks back at his artwork, he can go back to how he was feeling during that particular time.

3. I think it discredits years of collages that deserve recognition. It has been around way longer than when they created it and to put a name to a whole movement of art sounds wrong.

Title: The American Dream

Our collage is portraying the idea of the American Dream: building up from nothing. We included big city lights, cars, and other relics that make America special. Although this idea is controversial, some can come to America with nothing and end up living a great wealthy life and we expressed that in our collage. 


Valerie Daccach Cuellar

Title: Love and preserve

Synopsis: it's about taking care of the environment around you. i

Grade: 4-6

Component I : Aesthetic & Critical Inquiry

Objectives: Identifies warm and cool colors and gives feelings and a diffrent aproach for the point of view of each person and what is that they love. 

Competency: Through the critique process, the students can describe the elements of the art, express feelings about the art and what they love and identify subject matter in works of arts and taking care of everything around them.




Guwen Xu

Title: Japaness Culture

Synopsis: It is about some key features about Japan. Their unique lifestyles, scenery and animation culture influence Asian people a lot. 

Grade: 2

Component I : Aesthetic & Critical Inquiry

Objectives: Identifies warm and cool colors and gives feelings and opinions in response to art and the environment. 

Competency: Through the critique process, the students can describe the elements of the art, express feelings about the art and identify subject matter in 



 Alyssa Lepone

title orepuration for fun learning


grade: 1st grade


component: visual art education


objective: uses things in the classroom that help learn better such as Colorful objects, playtime, being able to relax in a safe enviroment and feel loved as well as motivated

competency: students can learn better seeing things in person, hands on, and on a screen. 

assessment: if students can expressive themseleves and use fun tools such as a bean bag to learn, they will get an a and be the best learner

interpretation: you can have fun while learning in fun creative ways



2 months ago
Zachary McCloud

Grade: 1st

Component: Aesthetic and Critical Inquiry

Objective: Recognizes the use of symbols and symbolism (stop sign, flag) in art and the environment

Competency: Through the critique process, the student can understand that works of art can be rendered realistically, symbolically, or abstractly.

Assessment: As long as the students can explain their work of art and how they interprest it they will receive an A.

Our Piece: “The Road Ahead”

Our interpretation: Theres a journey to complete before the success comes


 Nicole Ferruggia

Visual Arts
GRADE: Grade 1 

COMPONENT: Visual Arts Education

OBJECTIVES: Recognizes the use of symbols and symbolisms (stop signs, flag) in art and the environment. 

COMPETENCY: Throughout the critique process, the student can understand that works of art can be rendered realistically, symbolically and abstractly. 

ASSESSMENT: If a student is able to draw on paper and identify an object such as a stop sign, they should know the meaning of it and what to do if they come across one. They will be able to receive a good grade if they are 1. able to identify 2. know the meaning of - and this will result in a perfect score. 



Sarah Carraher

Artifacts of Nature 

Description: The juxtaposition of ancient artifacts and nature in our collage is to represent how artifacts buried in nature, they intertwine with nature and they both affect each other. Our piece represents the blurred lines between manmade artifacts and nature, and their coexistence. The discovery of ancient  artifacts connects the human experience with nature and wildlife as well as our own past. 

Fifth grade

Activity: Making a collage with meaning from magazine photos and glue. 

Component: Aestethic and Cultural Inquiry 

Objective: Speaks and writes confidently in response to works of art 

Competency: Through the critique process, the student uses analytical vocabulary in verbal and written form to compare and contrast the elements of art and the principles of design and work of art.


Ritika Abraham 


Lesson Plan : Ritika and Alex

Component: Studio Skills

Objective:  Draws upon real life and imagination as sources for Subjects and themes in own art work. 

Competency:  The student can produce a minimum of 12 works of original art through the: 

1. Manipulation of a variety of media 

2. Application of the elements of art and principles of design 

3. Interpretation of themes from imagination and personal ideas 

4. Experimental use of material 

Activity: Using magazines and your hands, students will rip pieces that inspire them to create a collage with a deeper meaning. 

Assessment: Students will write a short summary explaining their creations.


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