Final Workshop Report: Art Creativity and Learning.

1. After watching the video,  what is the main argument presented?
Please read the document below.
Scientific Proof About the Arts and their Influence on Learning

                            Tyler, Christopher W.  Final Workshop Report: Art Creativity and 
                                             Learning.  National Science   foundation, 2008.  


(Please, be succinct and use your own words)
2. On page 4 of the report, dance and music are said to be important to enhance learning. Explain in your own words why that is true.
3. In which way is visual art learning useful for cognitive  processes? Give examples. (Page 4-5)
4. On page 16, last paragraph, you will see listed the kind of thinking skills and working styles taught in art classes. Why are they important for education in general.
5. On page 18, the report highlights the importance of motivational inspiration in teaching and learning. Why is motivational inspiration important for learners?


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